
St. Gregorios provides a wide range of facilities to parents and students. A good infrastructure gives a wild ankle of vision.


Regular and continuing PT classes is an essential part of the school curriculum. 'A Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body' is the dictum we emphasize in the School. Talented candidates in various fields of sports are selected, guided and trained to partake in inter-school competitions such as, Volleyball, Basketball, Chess, Cricket and Football etc. Qualified coaches are engaged to augment the stamina and style of players who may later choose a career in one of the many disciplines. Inter class competitions of indoor games like carrom, table-tennis, chess etc. are organized with great enthusiasm and vigour.

Smart Classes

Our Smart Class is equipped with hi-tech Audio-visual systems. It consists of multimedia projector, PC, DVD Player, Mikes and Speakers and other necessary paraphernalia. It gives a clear picture and understanding of the topic under analysis to the students.

Test Engine

This feature helps the students to prepare themselves better before the exams. It furnishes them with the model question papers that are likely to appear in the examination. Students may login in their Control Panel to take advantage of this feature. This is very helpful to generate confidence, specially for those who get nervous before exams.

Complain & Suggestion

This feature has been brought into fore to enable us to attend to your Complaints & Suggestions. Authentication is required before sending any complaints or suggestions. If found authentic, necessary remedial actions will be taken to resolve the issues as soon as possible (say, within 7 working days). You are also free to send your Feedback Reports, for such reports might help us eliminate avoidable odds. All your complaints, suggestions, feedback etc are welcome.
Counselling Department
A counsellor is appointed to address the issues of adolescence/social/psychological problems etc by counselling and consoling the students besides conducting periodic workshops.
Have Any Questions?


All your complaints, suggestions, feedback etc are welcome.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipis cing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullam corper mattis, pulvi nar dapibus leo.