The Society

Diocese of Kolkata

Dioceses in the history of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, were formed for the first time in 1876 consequent to the Mulanthuruthy Synod. H.H.Patriarch Mar Peter III divided the Malankara Church into seven Dioceses. In 1938, Diocese for outside Kerala (Bahya Kerala Bhadrasanam) was formed and in 1976 the outside Kerala Diocese was divided into three, namely Bombay, Madras and Delhi dioceses as per the Catholicos Order No.58/76. The present Kolkata Diocese was included in Madras Diocese and late lamented Dr. Stephanos Mar Theodosius was the first Diocesan Metropolitan.
The wisdom of the early missionaries who conceived the school as a valuable adjunct of the Church can never be questioned. Since then, all our efforts are aimed at imparting quality education to our students and encouraging research for the growth and development of our country.