Our Patron

Saint Geevarghese Mar Gregorios, popularly known as Parumala Therumeni (Bishop of Parumala), was a Metropolitan of the Malankara Orthodox Church. St. Gregorios became the first person of Indian origin to be canonised as Saint

Early Life

St. Gregorius Geevarghese Chathuruthil also fondly remembered as Parumala Thirumeni was born on 15 June 1848. His parents were Chathuruthil Mathew and Kallarackal Mary. He was the youngest in his family and had four siblings (Kurian, Varkey, Mary and Eli). St. Gregorios started his preliminary education under the guidance of Onakkavil Ayya. After completing his primary education, he studied theology and Syriac from his paternal uncle Rev. Geevarghese. St. Gregorios led a prayerful and pious life from a very young age. At the age of 10, in the year 1858, he was ordained a sub-deacon by His Grace Palakkunnath Mathews Athanasius.


Champion of the Poor


In the year 1865 St. Gregorios was ordained as a priest and subsequently as a Corepiscopa by His Grace Mar Koorilos Yuyakim. In the year 1872 Pulikkotil Joseph Mar Dionysius raised him to the order of Ramban. On December 10, 1876 the young Geevarghese Ramban was ordained as Mar Gregorios Metropolitan by H.H. Moran Mar Ignatius Patriach III. Since Parumala Thirumeni became a Metropolitan at the age of 29 he was fondly called “Kochu Thirumeni” (youngest bishop).

St. Gregorios became the bishop of Niranam, Kerala India. He then took charge of the dioceses of Thumpamon and Kollam. He stayed at Parumala and later came to be known as “Parumala Kochu Thirumeni”.

Life of Prayer and Fasting

St. Gregorios followed a life of discipline, fasting, prayer and meditation. He woke up at 4 AM every morning and spend the entire day praying and teaching deacons. On Wednesdays, Fridays and Lenten days, he would fast till evening. St. Gregorios once said, “He who prays to God everyday would never be without truth, morality, faith and devotion, and would never turn against his master or society”

Champion of the Poor

St. Gregorios made sure that the poor who reached the gates of the church were fed. He lived a life to serve the poor and hungry. His Grace took special interest in preaching the Holy Gospel of Our Lord among the backward communities and many were accepted into the fold. He also worked hard to uplift this margin.

Life & Ministry

Healing Ministry

When St. Gregorios was in charge of Thumpamon diocese, Kerala, the small pox disease spread in the region. He went to every house in the region and prayed for the people who were sick irrespective of their caste, creed or religion. Many were cured of the disease. 


St. Gregorios believed that the church should engage in educational activity especially to facilitate primary education and English teaching without discriminating gender or religion. St. Gregorios was keen in maintaining relationship with all section of people, irrespective of caste or community. 

Death of the Saint

On 2 November 1902, St. Gregorios had left for his heavenly abode. The funeral was conducted at Saint Peter’s and Saint Paul’s Syian Orthodox Church, Parumala on 3 November 1902.  The mausoleum which Gregorios was interred became a popular pilgrimage site.

In 1947 Mar Gregorios of blessed memory was declared a saint by the then Catholicos of the church, His Holiness Baselius Geevarghese II.